Through Perfecting the Air, Daikin strives to make the world’s spaces happier and more comfortable.
Daikin leverages its experience and technology to deliver air conditioning solutions that meet the demands of any setting.
Pioneering Fluorine Technology Providing Solutions for Life
Utilizing IPM motor and inverter technology for greater energy savings
Troubleshooting for Air Conditioners
What is the origin of the Daikin company name?
Daikin was founded in 1924 as Osaka Kinzoku Kogyosho Limited Partnership (OKK) in 1924 and later changed to Osaka Kinzoku Kogyo Co., Ltd. The word “kinzoku” in Japanese means metalworking and reflected our company’s core business in the manufacture and sale of aviation parts and general metalworking. However, as times changed, so did our business. With business activities shifting to air conditioners and fluorochemicals, the company name no longer reflected its business activities. The company started being called by its nickname "Daikin." Daikin derived from the kanji character “dai (大)" taken from “Osaka (大阪)” and “kin (金)" from “kinzoku (金属)" . In 1963, just before the 40th anniversary of the company's founding, the name was officially changed to Daikin Kogyo Co., Ltd. This was changed again in 1982 to Daikin Industries, Ltd.
What is the significance of the corporate symbol?
The Daikin Logo is the symbol of our bold, continuous pursuit of high ideals.
The sharp triangle, composed of two colors, Daikin Light Blue and Black, represents the three technological fields of machinery, chemicals, and electronics, and the integrated technologies that Daikin develops in those fields. The logo's orientation, up and to the right, expresses the pioneering spirit of the Daikin Group, forging ahead into the future.
How can I obtain Daikin’s recent financial results?
Please refer to the Brief Report on the Consolidated Settlement of Accounts and IR Briefing Materials on our website.
Where is the latest information on main business activities?
Please refer to the IR Briefing Presentation on our website.
Where can I find information on the past trends of financial results?
Please refer to Financial Data on our website.
Is there information available on the Daikin management strategy?
Our company has formulated a strategic management plan entitled Fusion 25 which establishes fiscal year 2025 as the target year.
How are management indices such as ROE, ROA, and FCF utilized?
Our company considers the maximization of corporate value to be one of the most important management issues, and Daikin develops business and strengthens its management structure by using FCF (Free Cash Flow), ROA (Return on Assets), ROE (Return on Equity), and other indicators of “Ratio Management” as important management administration indicators.
In particular, Daikin emphasizes FCF as a source of corporate value and integrated indicator that enhances all management indicators. Using this, we endeavor to reduce accounts receivable and inventories while taking measures to expand profit and improve investment efficiency to create cash flow from operating capital.
Please refer to Financial Data on our website.
How can I obtain a copy of the Daikin Integrated Report?
A PDF copy of the Integrated Report can be accessed and downloaded from our website.
When is the closing of the fiscal year?
The fiscal year ends every year on March 31.
What is Daikin’s identification securities code?
Our identification securities code is 6367
On what stock exchange are Daikin shares listed?
Shares are listed on the Tokyo Stock Exchange.
What is the number of share traded per unit.
When are dividends paid?
The year-end dividend is paid after approval at the annual shareholders meeting to shareholders as of March 31. The interim dividend is paid through resolution of the Board of Directors to shareholders or registered pledgees listed on September 30.
What is the basic policy toward dividends?
Together with making every effort to maintain a ratio of dividends to shareholder equity (DOE) of 3.0% based on the principle of always providing stable dividends to shareholders, we will continue striving in our mission to provide shareholders with even greater return by aiming for an increasingly higher level of dividend payout ratio.
With regard to internal retained earnings, we will appropriate them to strategic investments aimed to strengthen the management structure, promote development of global businesses, and accelerate the development of products that contribute to the preservation of the global environment.
When is the Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders held?
It is held every year in June.
What is Daikin’s perspective on refrigerants issues?
Daikin’s basic policy is “Diversity of refrigerant choice”. Daikin evaluates various aspects comprehensively to select the appropriate refrigerant for each application, so we do not deny any refrigerants. Daikin will contribute to reducing the environmental impact of refrigerant through its lifecycle.
For further information, please see the following page.
Daikin's Policy on the Environmental Impact of the Refrigerant
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