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  4. Daikin Group Releases Its Sustainability Report 2022

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6 September 2022

  • Sustainability Sustainability

Daikin Group Releases Its Sustainability Report 2022

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Daikin Industries, Ltd. has released its English edition of Sustainability Report 2022, which is currently available on the company website. The report summarizes the basic approach of the Daikin Group for contributing to the realization of a sustainable society through its business along with fiscal 2021 results and future plans.

In recent years, the movement toward carbon neutrality has been accelerating worldwide. Seeing these societal changes as an opportunity, Daikin set forth its “Environmental Vision 2050,” which aims to achieve net zero greenhouse gas emissions in 2050, and established “Challenge to Achieve Carbon Neutrality” as a growth strategy theme in its strategic management plan Fusion 25, which makes fiscal 2025 its target year. This report states the targets and measures that the Daikin Group has formulated and are implementing along with its position and examples of its efforts.

In this way, the Daikin Group looks to realize both contributions to a sustainable society and Group growth.

Main Points of Sustainability Report 2022

Message from the President

Overview of Sustainability

Based on the company’s Our Group Philosophy, Daikin is forging a path forward from the long-term perspective of its Environmental Vision 2050 and its strategic management plan Fusion, which is formulated and executed every five years. Here details on value creation and contribution to SDGs are explained.

Social Issues and Daikin's Business Characteristics

In light of changes in the external environment, Daikin identifies risks and opportunities relating to social issues based on their impact on business characteristics and activities. This section describes how they are being addressed in Fusion 25.

Sustainability Targets and Results

KPIs are set for each sustainability key theme, and actual FY2021 results are reported.

Features on Fiscal 2021 Activities Providing Value to Society through Business

Environment “Challenge to Achieve Carbon Neutrality”

Aiming to achieve both contribution to the global environment and business expansion, Daikin presents examples of its carbon neutrality initiatives that not only involve the development and manufacture of products but also extend throughout the value chain including product use.

Value with Air “Creating an Environment Conducive to Napping for Greater Vitality”

Through demonstration experiments, Daikin explores the type of thermal environment needed for "quality naps" to improve the performance of working people and reports on its efforts to develop and commercialize thermal control technologies.

Supply Chain Management “Establishing a More Flexible and Resilient Supply Chain”

This describes efforts to build a supply chain that can avoid all procurement risks and provide stable supply of products such as centralizing supply chain information and global allocation.

Sustainability Report can be viewed on the Daikin company website ( ).
Similarly, comprehensive ESG information is also planned for disclosure at the end of October.


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