Daikin Industries, Ltd. announces the publication of its Integrated Report 2023.
Every year, the company publishes an integrated report to inform its shareholders and investors of the company initiatives being implemented to improve corporate value for the medium to long term.
“Integrated Report 2023”
This report narrates the company strengths, business models, unique corporate culture, and DNA that have served as the foundation supporting Daikin’s growth and development. It also details how Daikin intends to create new value in the medium and long term while continuing to spur future growth and development.
Incorporating both financial and non-financial perspectives, the 2023 edition sets forth the company aim to continue business expansion while making significant contributions to society and the environment and is centered on the growth strategy themes expressed in the strategic management plan "Fusion 25 Latter-Half Three-Year Plan" that was announced in May of this year.
Going forward, Daikin will continue to value communication with all stakeholders, beginning with shareholders and investors, as it strives for contribution to a sustainable society and growth of the Daikin Group.
Based on the strengths and business models developed over the years, Daikin is striving to achieve both business growth and resolution of social issues through the implementation of the growth strategy themes set forth in its strategic management plan “Fusion 25.”
The Senior Executive Officer responsible for finance, accounting, and budget operations explains the underlying thinking behind Daikin’s financial and capitalization strategies, including upfront investments leading to future growth and initiatives for improving profitability.
The European heat pump space and water heating business, which is accelerating realization of carbon neutrality, and initiatives for establishing India as a major base are taken from the growth strategy themes stated in “Fusion 25 Latter-Half Three-Year Plan" and examined here.
In a message from the Senior Executive Officer and General Manager of the Human Resources Division, Daikin’s approach to diversity is presented with its focus on “People-Centered Management,” the management philosophy that the company has pursued since its founding.
The Integrated Report 2023 can be viewed on the Daikin Industries corporate website. https://www.daikin.com/investor/library/annual
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